'The English Summer' by Holly Hopkins
Penned in the Margins

'Until August' by Gabriel García Márquez
Latvijas Mediji

'High-Rise' by J. G. Ballard
Lebowski publishers

'Disappearing Earth' by Julia Phillips
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'Improvised Explosive Device' by Arji Manuelpillai
Penned in the Margins

'The End of Affair' by Graham Greene
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'Svešuma grāmata' by Vilis Kasims
Latvijas Mediji

'Thursday Night Widows' by Claudia Piñeiro
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'The Bell Jar' by Sylvia Plath
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'Slaughterhouse-Five' by Kurt Vonnegut
Mansards novel series

'Of Sea' by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett
Penned in the Margins

'The Book of Naseeb' by Khaled Nurul Hakim
Penned in the Margins

'Man Met Hoed' by Lieke Marsman
Atlas Contact

'Dead Souls' by Nikolai Gogol
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'Virgula' by Sasja Janssen

'Collected stories' by Frédéric Beigbeder
Apgāds Mansards

'Sweet Bean Paste' by Durian Sukegawa
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'Panic Response' by John McCullough
Penned in the Margins

'After the Formalities' by Anthony Anaxagorou
Penned in the Margins

'Leopard' by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'Little Dead Rabbit' w/ Astrid Alben
Published in partnership with Prototype and PoëzieCentrum

'Ja vīrietis prastu runāt' by Oskars Vizbulis
Latvijas Mediji

Vaba Akadeemia Science and History book series
Postimees Kirjastus

'Stranger in the Mask of a Deer' by Richard Skelton
Penned in the Margins

'Angola, America' by Sammy Weaver
Seren Books

'O Caledonia' by Eslpeth Barker
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida' by Shehan Karunatilaka
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'The Fortnight in September' by R. C. Sherriff
Postimees Kirjastus novel series

'Bobbejaanskloof' by Kevin van Vliet

'The Sun is Open' by Gail McConnell
Penned in the Margins

Collected poetry by Jaroslav Seifert
Apgāds Mansards

Collected poetry by Inese Zandera
Apgāds Mansards

'Another Country' by James Baldwin
Apgāds Mansards

Collected writing by Dylan Thomas
Orion Books

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